
Proposed Phases to control Corona Virus

Originally posted on 30th March 2020          Proposed Phases to control Corona Virus The whole strategy has to be in phased manner, with every phase having its own importance, so that over a period of time it can be controlled.    This model is based on taking following scientific factors into account:    1) Incubation period of 1-14 days   2) Symptoms display in 1-14 days    3) Transmission mechanism of virus   4) If a person is infected, in initial days even in medical testing it may come NEGATIVE.   5) If a person got infected and tested after 14 days of infection, it will come POSITIVE   6) If a person is isolated for 21 days and he doesn't show any symptoms of infection than it can be safely assumed that he is not infected or it may be asymptomatic case.     7) If a person is isolated for 14 days and he is tested after 14 days and it comes NEGATIVE it can be safely assumed that he is not infected. Stage 1 – 2 weeks Stage 2: 2 weeks Self-Quaran

How Feminist mindset is promoting minor girls to share their nude photos ?

    This week has seen shocking degradation of morality; it is a great matter of concern especially when it is shown by our young generation, the future of our country. Let’s recap these incidents First incident:   Chat of “Bois Locker Room” became public and it revealed how minor kids are normally talking about sexually explicit comments and rape, sharing nude photos of girls, which they received from those girls itself.  Second incident:   Chat of “Girls Locker Room” became public and it revealed how minor girls are also normally doing the same conversation for boys as well as girls, talking about sexually explicit comments, body shaming girls and threatening to rape them, doing similar talks about boys.  Third incident:    A minor 17 year old boy of Gurgaon commits suicide, after a girl levied charges of molestation on him through social media.  What is more concerning is where we went wrong that young generation consider it normal to talk about gan