How Feminist mindset is promoting minor girls to share their nude photos ?

    This week has seen shocking degradation of morality; it is a great matter of concern especially when it is shown by our young generation, the future of our country.

Let’s recap these incidents

First incident:
  Chat of “Bois Locker Room” became public and it revealed how minor kids are normally talking about sexually explicit comments and rape, sharing nude photos of girls, which they received from those girls itself. 

Second incident:
  Chat of “Girls Locker Room” became public and it revealed how minor girls are also normally doing the same conversation for boys as well as girls, talking about sexually explicit comments, body shaming girls and threatening to rape them, doing similar talks about boys. 

Third incident: 
  A minor 17 year old boy of Gurgaon commits suicide, after a girl levied charges of molestation on him through social media. 

What is more concerning is where we went wrong that young generation consider it normal to talk about gang rape, body shaming and sharing nude pictures. What made them believe in this tender age of 15-18 years to talk like this socially? 

Then I came across another shocking video, no not from a minor, not something containing sexual talks, yes something even more dangerous, something which is the root cause of such misdeeds by young generation, this time a video by an adult, a video that promotes young kids to behave like this, what makes them think that sex, sending nude pictures and rape talks are normal. sexual-violence-culture-in-delhi-teens-113e8156-39d9-414d-821e-f1732da7dd9f 

That video is by Brut, let’s see step by step what does it says.      

First thing it says is:


That it is okay for minor girls to share their nude photos with boys. Does any parent of a minor girl will approve of this?
Do we really want to preach our minor girls that go ahead share your nude photos and it is perfectly normal? 
When question arise why today’s kids consider it normal to do sex chat, Answer is because Feminist adults are telling them that it is even okay to share your own nude photos.  Than how can we blame young minds for dirty chats and sharing nude photos? 

In fact sharing nude photos of a minor child is a crime and if a minor girl sends her own nude photo that itself is a crime of circulating child porn under section 15 of POCSO act. And an adult promoting this in instigating a person to commit this, itself is an offence of abetment u/s 16 of POCSO act. 

When someone objects that it is wrong, the response of Feminists is: 


    They are preaching minor kids that it’s their body their life and no one has right to object to you. What that means is if parents stop their minor girl to send nude photos, they should revolt to their parents. If any well-wisher stops a minor girl from sharing nude or intimate photos, having sex than well-wisher should be labeled as regressive and patriarchal.

If a minor girl indulges in sex, even with her consent, that itself is an offence of rape. When adult promotes my body my life and promotes minor girl to do whatever they want to do with their body, how do young minor girls and boys will know that it is not only immoral but also a criminal offence. And when they indulge in such act the same adults goes bashing the boys, with appeal to arrest those boys and at the same time supporting and promoting the girls of their act. 

          How a child will be able to understand what is right and what is wrong, when same act by girl is supported but the boy involved in that same act is labeled as a criminal. It is important to understand that kids don’t differentiate between girls and boys, it is only adults who divide the society, especially feminists who divide society in the name of women rights and women empowerment. Kids don’t know that adults have created different norms for girls and boys. 

What it turns out is whole degradation is nothing but ideology promoted by Feminist influenced mindset. 

Feminists are promoting a culture to promote girls to do wrong as their right and impose all restrictions on boys. 

A person’s security is in his own hands and there is nothing wrong in preaching a person to be cautions and to safeguard himself.
If there are bullets going on in an area and a man is going there. It is our responsibility to tell him to stop, but in response if he says “it’s my body my life, who are you to restrict me and stop me from going there”, god itself can’t save him, and this arrogance doesn’t deserve any sympathy. No body moves around casually with heavy gold on his body and huge money openly carrying on display. Anybody can have criminal intentions to rob and it’s everyone’s personal responsibility to safeguard himself. 

Same goes for every girl, first responsibility to safeguard them is on them only. And if we preach minor girls that it’s okay to send your nude photos to boys, what exactly are we preaching them is to breach their first layer of security.

Is it not sick that feminist influenced mindset is preaching young minor girls to circulate their own nude photos as their right? By doing that Feminists are preaching and promoting child porn. 

If we dig through, what feminist influenced mindset is preaching that:
1.     It’s okay for minor girls to share their nude and intimate photos.
2.     It’s okay to display your colored bra. 
3.     It’s okay for minor girls to body shame other girls and boys.
4.     It’s okay for minor girls to circulate nude photos of other boys and girls.
5.     It’s okay for minor girls to talk and plan about fucking with other boys
6.     It’s their body their life, what that means is if they want to have sex they should be free to do that. 

Are we teaching minor girls to have sex, there have been further feminist influence which even promote these girl as strong, if a minor girl becomes pregnant and decides to keep her baby, she is presented as symbol of women empowerment, a role model for all girls. When we promote sex by minor girls, how society can blame a boy that had sex with that girl. Both are equally to blame but feminist mindset believes in moralizing only man.

When adults are preaching this to young generation then how we can blame young minds for their actions. When anyone preaches decency to women, try to be protective to them, tell girls that there is a boundary they should follow. He is labeled as Patriarchal and Indian mindset as if there is anything wrong in having Indian mindset. 


      Until we break the shackles of feminist mindset and have the courage to call a spade a spade, society degradation will continue. There are norms for both boys and girls, both needs to follow same norms. You cannot promote one gender to do one thing and at the same time put restriction on other gender for same thing. 

     When you say “my body my life” and promote girls to move around with bra strap on display, send nude pictures and sexually explicit photos, have sex as minors, dress as you like, show private parts if you wish. 
       Will we also approve of a man moving around with his pink underwear on display, sending pictures of his private parts to girls (solicited or unsolicited), taxi driver driving with his fly open and private part hanging out while a woman passenger is sitting beside him. After all it’s my body my life my choice. So why there are different norms based on genders and who is going to teach young minds (boys and girls) that society treats you differently and you both need to behave differently. If restricting a woman is patriarchal then what is restricting a man and making different rules based on gender. It’s nothing but Feminist mindset. And in that case patriarchy is much better then feminist as at least patriarchy don’t differentiate man and woman and it puts same restrictions of decency on both genders. 

          As an outcome we have seen that action has been taken against boy members of “Bois Locker Room” (Yes there are girl members also in this group), but for similar conversations by girls in “Girls Locker Room” and similar chat rooms, there is no action taken against girls by police and any women commission. 
    Chats in those girls chat rooms are disturbing, talking about fucking guys or having sex with them, body shaming girls and boys and in fact threatening girl that you will know what being raped is soon enough. 


        Again are we telling our minor girls to talk like that, body shame other boys and girls, share nude photos of minor girls and boys. How a 10 year old boy who is still learning the norms of the society will perceive. Nobody knows the societal norms by birth; young minds learn what they see, what we preach them. If they see that girls are doing such chats and no action is taken against them and there are even adult Feminists who support these girls, he will perceive that there is nothing immoral or criminal in it, how can we blame that young boy if he also indulges in such acts. 
Feminists have supported girls in coming out in open in social media and naming and shaming the minor boys revealing their identity. Feminists promote #DigitalMobLynching and outcome of that is suicide by a 17 year old boy. No court no evidence direct sentence, life of a boy is taken as Feminists and women commissions promote #metoo and promote and allow girls to put any allegations on social media with disclosing the identity of even minor kids. 

If patriarchy and Indian mentality tells that:
1)    It is not okay for girls to share their nude photos 
2)    It is not okay for minor girls to have sex or even to have sex before marriage.
3)    It is not ok for girls to have their undergarments (bras and panties) visible.
4)    It is not okay for girls to have sexual explicit chats.
5)    It is not okay for girls to do body shaming others. 
Than by all means Patriarchy and Indian mentality is much better than Feminist mindset. As Patriarchy and Indian mentality puts same boundation and restrictions on boys also. It doesn’t differentiate morality based on gender while Feminist promote any action by girl is their body their life but boys should be restricted even to react to that.  


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