How to promote the myth of Domestic violence against women:

How to promote the myth of Domestic violence against women:

          Whole world is going through crisis of Pandemic and it is difficult time for everyone. People are worrying about their jobs, economic crisis, business worrying about their future, poor worrying about daily food, Man worrying about arranging food for his family, government worrying about to contain the virus and safeguard their citizens, police trying to stop people movement for people’s own safety while risking their own lives, health workers saving the lives of people. 
     Everyone is contributing in their own way whether it is MAN or WOMAN. Still there are some segments those are indulged in their own self-interest with least respect for the interest of society.
   Those are the groups whose only interest is to spread MAN hatred, as their livelihood depends on that. 

     On April 3rd 2020 NCW ( National commission for Women) declared that Domestic violence against women is rising in lockdown as they have received 69 complaints and it has been increasing since then.  
     On the other hand there are other Women centric NGOs, they declared that 
India's Domestic Abuse Survivors are in Lockdown with their Monsters, But Helplines Are Not Ringing
         But unknowingly and unfortunately for NCW, they exposed the false narrative that domestic violence has increased as calls for help has increased, that is being promoted by NCW
          In their article they exposed the figures that in month of January 2020, NCW received 270 complaints of domestic violence and in month of February 2020 they received 302 complaints of domestic violence, while in month of March 2020 also they received 302 total calls, and of those only 58 complaints between 23rd to 30th March. That means 244 complaints between 1st and 22nd. That means from 23rd to 30th March, 58/8 = average 7 complaints / day during lockdown and from 1st to 22nd 244/22 = average 11 complaints / day without lockdown, a clear decrease in number of complaints during lockdown

What that means is 
1)    If number of calls is increasing, then also promote that the cases of domestic violence are increasing. That is what the narrative that NCW was pushing, that women are at risk due to lockdown, as they are increasingly getting the calls.

2)    If number of calls is decreasing, then also promote that women at home is so much afraid of monster MAN that they are not even able to make calls. 
      So it is already assumed and decided that abuse on WOMAN is increasing, irrespective the complaints are increasing or decreasing. It is already decided that MAN is an ABUSER and MONSTER.  
           It can be done only by someone whose living depends on making the world believe that domestic violence in increasing.

The next step comes how to promote in masses this myth of Domestic violence against women. 
Now as a first step, it is officially declared that domestic violence is increasing. 
      More players’ jumps into it to further spread the false narrative and promote that domestic violence against women is increasing. The whole basis of every narrative is ASSUMPTION that domestic violence on women will increase in lockdown. 

       In an article, it narrates the story that an abused woman called them at morning 6.00 AM to disclose her ordeal that “One misstep and I will be slapped”, again ASSUMPTION of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, and moreover it is hard to believe that a woman under threat will call a media house at morning 6.OO AM rather than calling police or 1091 

        Some organizations are promoting MAN hatred and fake propaganda of Domestic violence against women by saying that complaints are decreasing while others are promoting saying that complaints have increased. They are not even in sync what narrative to propagate but goal is SAME, PROMOTE MAN HATRED
         It is generally promoted that MAN beats his wife after drinking alcohol. Now it is being promoted that he will beat because he is not getting Alcohol, some are promoting that now at home he is continually drinking and keep beating the wife, whereas this narrative can be exposed as in Lockdown it is not easy to get Alcohol. 
       Earlier it was promoted that MAN beats after work and he beats as an earning member he is in power position. Now it is promoted that he will beat as he is at home not working, and he will beat as he is not earning so he is under Inferiority complex 
   So it is already decided that MAN is going to beat his WIFE, what that mean is crime has a gender
          Whenever they have to promote myth of Domestic Violence, they use fake DISTURBING videos depicting young TikTok users as domestic abuse victims, which are made for fun.

        Now comes the next beneficiaries, they write letters to government, ministries and courts that as domestic violence is increasing (Where full narrative is promoted based on assumptions), so steps should be taken to handle it and there should be awareness campaigns.

           Now as public demand is shown, so beneficiaries of fake propaganda, NGOs, government organizations can show that we are doing all these spending on the public demand as people are writing us the letters. 
           So now newspaper, pamphlets and television campaign start to reach masses, everyone is told that domestic violence cases are increasing, everyone is made to believe that domestic violence of woman has increased, with some vague and misleading statistics and videos, people are brainwashed that domestic violence against women is increasing. 
           Now everyone unaware of reality and hidden motives of beneficiaries of propaganda knows that woman is victim. 
          So wherein nothing has happened, false propaganda starts to promote MEN hatred and then using that false narrative further public money is wasted to further publish that false narrative at mass level to further brainwash the people in believing that false narrative. So that further money can be allocated, as now public also thinks that it the need of the time.
         What that results in is more government money allocated to solve the problem that even doesn’t exist, more donations to NGOs to solve the problem that doesn’t even exist, more wastage of tax payers money to solve a non-existent problem 
           It is apparent to note that all the organization pretending to be promoting “Gender Equality” has only promoted gender discrimination and gender hatred only, promoting that crime has a gender.


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